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Why is Our Driveway Crooked?

Back when Jon Sisk had purchased the Lexington, Kentucky farm where the Audio Authority campus is now located, he discovered some old persimmon trees. One of them was the largest in the county according to an arborist. Jon enjoyed the idea of having fruit trees on the property - there were also some apple trees he planned to save.

The land sloped a little bit to the south, so it was natural to place the offices and front parking lot at the top of the hill, near the street. The factory would be down one level, tucked in behind the offices, with a driveway that allows deliveries and factory employees to access the rear of the building. The persimmon trees were in the path of that driveway, but Jon decided to divert the route around them, preserving them and their delicious fruit for years to come. Unfortunately the largest tree was struck by lightning several years ago, but the remaining one still produces its large, juicy fruit about this time of year.

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