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[Image for 1780]
Custom IR Demo Controller
Custom IR Demo Controller
Model 1780


Key Features

  • Compact, single use IR controller
  • Three ports for remote push-buttons
  • Allows any audio format for demo, including bitstream
  • Custom functionality for IR commands and timeout


Categories: Soundbars, Speaker Switching, Interactive Switching, Headphone Demo, Modules, New

[Front view]
Front view
[IR outputs]
IR outputs
[Button ports]
Button ports


Demo Audio Systems, TVs, or Toys

The 1780 IR Demonstrator is a great way to automate a demo using a device's own IR codes. It can be operated with one, two, or three push-buttons, and two different IR emitter outputs are available to control separate devices that accept IR signals, from TVs to air conditioners.

Application Example
This application shows an A/B comparison demo with a mute button. Press the "TV Sound" button to unmute the TV. Press the "Soundbar" button to mute the TV and unmute the soundbar. Press "Mute" to mute both the TV and soundbar. After a set period of time the 1780 mutes both the TV and soundbar and displays a blinking pattern on the selector buttons to invite customers to try the demo. 



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